*Pans Back*
Scene description:
"We're in a room.... just me at the moment....
<looks right> .... anyone else got a better answer than me <checks>
*Pans Back Again*
Scene change 'Revealed'
- Our character in focus is in a classroom, hand held up the highest (hip leverage inclusive and asking herself critically - "Is there a better answer to mine than this?... <she's even rising.... checking every angle of the room available to see (still no higher held hand) - (from this angle we see that she's discreetly making copious notes)
*Pans Back Even Further*
(Description: Screen, Smiling Sales Consultant Demonstration - Explaining, through gritted teeth and thoughts of Freud and associations)
With aplomb and flair, as we can all see demonstrated when we're given terms that make sense to us <page turns on lectern> (undecided / Note: May be either spoken or acted) *choice*
<scans classroom - front row ... curly hair/red glints> *action* ?