Me - Age 2
My 1st Holy Communion

Homeowner - aged 19 (1983)

Easter 1984 - Age 20

Baby's First Christmas (I was 26 - 1989)
The fun of the Fair :)
Me - Age 2
Age 3
(Outside Grand-Dad's - 3 Peel Road)
My First Bike - Age 5
School Party - Age 6
My 1st Holy Communion
Lloret Del Ma, Costa Bravar - Age 16

Homeowner - aged 19 (1983)

Easter 1984 - Age 20
Age 20 - (1984)
Bridal Wreaths - Age 20
"Leave me alone, I'm eating"
Age 22 (1985)

Gift of Grace - Wished for - Child
(1988 - I was 24)
Baby's First Christmas (I was 26 - 1989)
Then there were two (I was 26)
Festive Fayres - 1990
Storytime - 1992 (I was 29)
"Happy Birth Day!"
(I was 30)