Standing up to respond
As I feel I no longer belong
"You're not being blonde....
While the epitome, you example strategically.
How flippant you are prepared to be with me
And though claiming ignorance
That's a poor excuse for discourteous audience.
You adopt a thin veneer of nonchalant indifference
Over the years acquired, as a disguise,
Under literary guided diffidence
My response is in relation
Every prior comment made for elaboration
All now swept aside and clearly declared
No interest in the answers sought, so I quit your negation
My opportunity lost to extrapolation
Each overridden and now forbidden
As you casually trace your inner space
Not considering a word I relate
What upsets us
Happens to be how you ousted, treating
All attempt I had made by your careless interruption
The disgruntle is by nature consequential
You asked, "What are your thoughts..."
Over speaking while I tried to describe
Understanding that your interests actually lie in hearing yourself, not I
So although my thoughts were considerate in reply
All I'm saying now summarily
You weren't listening and you insulted me