Normality is a wide line that encompasses a lack of
Originality, the depth of feeling or creative impulse involved in those 'not'
Reality is a place that encapsulates a whole host of banality
Mindlessly pursuing what's requested or behested by those leading
Auditory processing, if considered different, is a marker
Lowly diagnoses beholds new roses
If we disregard potential through ignorance and apply stigma as a consequence
Still there's alternatives......
Bi-polar, these people exhibit extremes
Often sad or euphoric, thus proving their instability (according to doctrines
Regurgitated in accordance with prevailing medical paradigm, or labelling) per se
It's true to say if you're different today there must be something awry
Notably the capacity to experience and appreciate normality
Gaining reputations for being more in touch with their dreams without commodity
Credibility is a tissue when you're utilising something more fruitful
Only those with issue preclude while the visual can apply similar preview
My concern; those who lack imagination also lack understanding and appreciation
Making fools of folk with greater ability of review
Often those whose feelings extend to over excitabilities encounter
Negative responses from those who tend to reach within the norm
Platitudes extend from the clinically professioned
Like never ending echoes they link with the past and discourage new views
All fad like their perceptions are limiting to those fashioned by predecessors
Clearly they don't understand what trauma and crisis portend
Except to lineate
And square pegs don't hold in the subsequent fold
N'er to express by anger or distress without falling into a report trap
Dangerous or risk is the consequent list ticked
Laughter or glee are also assessed for appropriate need
All and every mood displayed weighed by the limiting few who
Control and behold by position and rank in society, to be frank
Knowing only what they've been told and subsequently hold to be true
In the safety net of obscure medical jargonery
Normal to you isn't normal to me, so you see
Gaining repute by creative pursuit may be planned for me