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Sunday, 29 May 2011



We can at least be sure of, throughout antiquity, where designed in mind for someone to specifically be within.

I always loved the story, read the book countless times, adored the original (black/white and into colour?) film and thought I'd share

..... Let's go this way....

As if we're going on a stroll....

We might start off the day waking up straight away.... and emerge from thrown back linen whilst en route to the bathroom. Striding across the landing, mentally adjusting our wardrobe choices - taking the weather into consideration - idly glancing in it's direction in passing.

Then we wash and consider what our plans are for the rest of the day... whether or not we've got the luxury of time that a breakfast requires to savour each morsel thoroughly.

At the door we may pause briefly, hover or approach confidently

Smiling dry strangers walk by overhearing our voice commenting, "I knew I should have brought my umbrella....", the sopping wet pause in their hurry to look accusingly in someone's direction before they again hasten, dripping, to some point of entry.

Love is....

Breast Feeding.....

.... if it's any thing.......
It's Inspiration

That breath you 'just' take in....

The moment when you 'just' have to express it....

It could be that you say it....

Maybe say it again.....

When you're so full...

There's not enough words to describe it... and yet....

You try anyway.....

When 'just' the thought of being anywhere close to it...... thrills you

Little fragments of pleasure play in bubbled images... associations....

Memories fizz as they float up stirring the senses like a heady summer shower of rain

Love is .....



Well... we're all learning daily and teachers come in all shapes and sizes. I've always told my daughter that, as she's also the eldest, she's the one who's taught me how to be a Mum and, one of the downsides to being the eldest is that she grows up dealing with any mistakes,.... and we both learn from them.

We have a great relationship.

I'm not saying it hasn't been difficult, she's gone through all the usual 'phases' of hating me now and then. I've also felt great guilt on occasion, when I have felt that I should have done better somehow.... that I have let her down.

As horrible as this is, I've also learnt that I contribute to the problem with my own guilt.

From early childhood I've been aware how she's been receptive to my every thought process, conveyed by scent, tone etc. The range of feelings associated with guilt are naturally understood but could lead to confusion and accusation. It's perfectly natural for a child to respond, to a 'trusted' adults guilt with fear and questions. In this way they're able to select associations by response and understand, through this challenging experience, how to recognise trustworthy body language.

Highly charged emotional interaction demanding justification is also important in social exchange situations outside the safety of the home environment. It's fundamental in terms of assessing how best and when to employ survival techniques. Our bodies are equipped to be flexible and our brains are too. So that these two maybe experienced in appropriate responses necessary (potentially) in any stage of their life requires practise in recognition, knowing what primary indications offer informationally.

This effectively explains the whole phase of puberty, more or less.


Sunday, 22 May 2011


Muttering, Mum goes to see....


They were all playing nicely, but they're arguing now, one's crying, they're blaming each other and they want your input.......

Mum says:

Friday, 20 May 2011

Crosses arms and legs...


*huffs* ...... <nestles into corner /further away...


Have you ever had one of those really annoying habits.... of constantly demanding consistent unreasonable standards?

Apart from wondering why.....

<considering any unconcscious habits>

<cut to scene>


Okay, first and foremost, this example forms the whole, in part, and is inclusive in all those respects, rights and ad libs etc.. ad infinitum <mock yawn>

That said, 

Here's the main character in this scene....making an entrance......

.......... "We're in a long corridor or hallway, walking... why.... what's up?" <action> <glances>

Thursday, 19 May 2011

- Mouthing -


....................<oirish accented> .......... It's the way I tellim"


"Now........Can you say that .......without smiling?"

<turning back to the audience>

"Thank you, this is an ideal example. Having considered all of the potential and the best means of exploiting them.... innovotatively demonstrated by the naive application of brilliant logic, the only underlying conclusion is the use of the example. Principles must by definition include all standard methodology and subversively introduced.... hence the saying about proof and the implications inherent within classic phrases, by associations......."

<close up>


Hands up?

Okay, Class...... (ISEE)

Who writes a classic, and what's the importance of credit?"

Now can you list the achievements, and what's left to accomplish?

How about the best, in your order of <glances at note> .... ah....choice <turning to wipe board>
                                                         <nonchalantly> *well acted*

looks left


*Pans Back*

Scene description:

"We're in a room.... just me at the moment....

<looks right> .... anyone else got a better answer than me <checks>

*Pans Back Again*

Scene change 'Revealed'

- Our character in focus is in a classroom, hand held up the highest (hip leverage inclusive and asking herself critically - "Is there a better answer to mine than this?... <she's even rising.... checking every angle of the room available to see (still no higher held hand) - (from this angle we see that she's discreetly making copious notes)

*Pans Back Even Further*

(Description: Screen, Smiling Sales Consultant Demonstration - Explaining, through gritted teeth and thoughts of Freud and associations)

With aplomb and flair, as we can all see demonstrated when we're given terms that make sense to us <page turns on lectern> (undecided / Note: May be either spoken or acted) *choice*

<scans classroom - front row ... curly hair/red glints> *action* ?

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Skin disorders.....

can be disfiguring, and I've been worrying about the small patches appearing on my pups elbow area....

I've also identified another similar skin problem on the head (just by his ear) of my other puppy. Having said that, I'm satisfied after monitoring these areas for over 2 weeks now, these are probably nothing worse than the results of bowl envy (fighting).

<shakes head and tuts>

But they're still babies, this is healthy consequences to more advanced play skills

"The Little Black Dress"

Entitled because., I think it would be a great talking piece on anyone's wall.

I probably shouldn't say that I think it's actually brilliant myself, bit of alchemy in there.... a christening of colour and motion and suits all occasions. I've been considering all the different angles of light crossing over this small canvas and although it may seem on first impressions to have all the wonderful freedom the naieve painter brings to the canvas.... I also think it's incredibly cool

.. adopting 'Pose'....

Tom, 'casually' picks up the over large bottle of perfume/aftershave (you two decide now) and the bottle becomes a boat in a long story........

*Ad LIB* < direction

Julia laughs....

<wearing a negilgee, pearls (Huge Diamonds?) and sat on a (your choice of furnishings/clothes)....


<elbowing Tom - who giggles>

Julia says, "Stop it!" and they both look up simultaneously - adopting the same story

"The porn magazine in front of us has a wonderful recipe for toad in the hole"

*Ad LIB* < direction



Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Her next line is...

(Looking up - slightly awkwardly but grinning knowingly),

"Well...... who goes first?" 

Local Sales Soar!

... Headlines....

"Where's Woolworths when you Need them?"

Smart shoppers in town were heard to say, as they searched shelves for cleaning products, adding, "Well... I always spring clean about this time of the year anyway. " 

As most wise women know: you can 'see' pollen dust in the sunshine, and dusting is much easier during the day when the children are busy or helping. (Anonymous)

On the mountain.....

She sat, turning her smiling face to theirs, "Good, the sun's come out, (halo-effect) we can finish our lunch," (placing sandwiches in Pyrex bowls) and .... <plots> about a cycle race later..... even if I sulk?"

Thought so <smug>

Saturday, 14 May 2011

I forget which script now......


Someone misquoted, - they transcribed, "Oh My God.... she's Hot!!!" -into  *some expletive*!!!!"

and suggested (after a polite cough), "Ummm.... ah yes, ......'she' could be dangerous?

it means almost the same thing, but as we know now.....HE was pleased!

"Loyalties"..... = Values

Porpoise or purpose

He say and I say,

"Courtship Habits" - Successfully implementing them and appreciating the acquired skills

Um bridges.....

I'd like to discuss academic associations from a paralinguistic angle and redefine what's classical and contemporary high brow reading, and the immediacy of connections relevant in declining any active support to choices made by a genius.

For example:

My Son.......

Mentioned at an academic interview..... recently, that he would include a story about a dog called Rumo, who's a hero character. I loved the idea so much, I've called my labrador 'Rumo' in his Honour.

Apparently, this is a charming introduction, for all ages, into classical philosophy and written beautifully.

They should listen more carefully and not assume everyone is relying on what they've been told to say, some speak directly about what they love.

Some people can't help being honest about what they love about life, in all it's facets, should anyone be made to feel guilty for that?

Anyway, their choice ... I guess.

"Bowing and scraping..."

Hilarious associations, and enlightening


... plants and their various names are fascinating and an easy reference source.

I was just smoking at my patio door and thinking about my favourite scents,

I love Alliage, by Estee Lauder. Of course, one of the best things about it is that it's almost exclusive and I love that about it as well.

It's so difficult to get hold of, it has a fresh, warm green and wild scent, not musky, spiced with some floral bouquet, whispering of distance and romance....

Anyway, then I wondered about moss and nicotinella and their heady combination potential........

"D'ya wanna dance?"


"Are YOU asking?"

"Am asking, you dancin?"

"You Askin?"

"Am asking"

"Am dancing!"

Dei Ficto 'Facto'

Language progression principles lie in transitional needs, strategic deployment, parameters, rhythm and (never overlooking) the basics.

Tactical displays, often pre-seated (hence acknowledgment of 'masking' ).


In Support...

Evidence of cell division, pre, post and all sorts of partum

What do you think....

...... is it as funny to you as it is to me to consider the question, "I wonder what I look like?" was the first cause of separation (how else do you get reliable data from a respected source? evaluation, what equipment (alteration) might be required... Don't know..... and then, (after some thought) added, "You do it first then, I'll tell you all about what happens and we can figure out what we think of the changes together after ... can't we?"

Could the 'Big Bang' have involved phenomenal and awe inspiring passion, the 'Wow' factor.... much misunderstood and fundamental for positive identification?

First conclusion: Trustworthy (no questions?).

There appeared to be a 3rd element, which hadn't introduced itself in the same way.. apparently (it politely suggested) it would just hang around and watch for awhile and if and when it got was okay to join in. Everyone (all three) agreed. One started evaluating the benefits (selfishly) for herself immediately, and concluded that they all shared equally, unless... and this was another important element, it was less beneficial to someone else, in which case - tbc 1:1

Patterns were discussed, invented.

Everyone agreed, any changes to the rules had to be agreed unanimously - a system was devised.

A new word(s) / phrase, "Team Work".... etc, etc, etc.......

<cut to cameo - and as self>



... "Good or Bad? Which do you, y'know.....  think?"



From a film....


That scenario Really got me thinking!

Co-incidences immediately get my attention..... just 'something' about them... works everytime....

Being me, I noticed that and enjoyed 

Asked myself direct questions about Freud and syndromes related to miniature daffodils (old latin name - I  forget) which means, I recognise them 'somehow'. If every event leaves it's own footstep, 

Hedging - (practical)

As they walk on, he asks, "Will you let me take those bags off you... ?" <reference by shoulder>

<she weighs the options 'plays for time - a bit' makes a selection before passing across 2 bags adding, "We'll share?" with a grin.

Laughing he asks, "What's your name again?"

<wry grin - glancing>  "I don't believe that I've mentioned it yet.... and you're the first person <pause, as if for breath> ...I may now ask, what do you want to exchange, my business name or personal? <edit>

Man walking with camera behind...

It's a rocky road, deserted highway.... red dust swirls in distance and contrast to his well pressed khaki casual outfit.

Our Man raises a hand to his Armani sunglasses (or whatever is the most fashionable at the moment - my daughter would know)

He's looking for someone very important... but he's not sure if he's on the right road....


<looks around - takes in scenery, looks at something> we know he's thinking, "It must be somewhere around here"

Just then we notice - away in the distance

A small figure moving slowly in the direction of the camera.

Our man reaches into his car, re-arranges maps and then casting a glance now and then towards the horizon. The figure finally approaches.....

(She's carrying her shopping, two heavy full to the brim bags held in each hand)

He walks towards her....

Shambling through the dust the woman looking tired and unhappy pauses in step, slowing to a halt in front of him.

He says, with one hand shading his eyes from the glare of the Midday sun......

"Ma'am, I don't suppose you could help me.... I'm trying to find something here, but I'm not sure what?"

The woman looks up, smiling, "How can I help you?" .... placing the laden bags to each side of her bare feet carefully.....

Shaking his head in almost bemused embarrassment, "Could you direct me... it's really important?"

She grins back, and then replies firmly, "Yes, if you'll let me try .... which direction do you want?"

Pausing in mid scratch (arms raised - hands on head) he takes a closer look at her.... her smile broadens.

Straightening up slowly, taking in every detail or impression, (Cocks an ear slightly in her direction) and says, " Welllll.... let me think .... does it matter which direction I choose, I mean.... is one way more scenic ... I don't mind taking longer if there's a nicer route."

"Oh well then... " she sighs, "do you like rambling paths, firm footing ...

<she rambles for ages>

.... blah blah blah blah ... confidential.... blah blah blah...... if you could pick?"

He leans back slowly, taking time to think while he looks her over.... almost suspiciously, asking himself, "Did I just understand everything she said, and is it possible.... "

breaking into his thoughts she's saying, "... though of course it's down to choice.... (puffing over the bags and looking swiftly at the distribution of weight in rapid assessment and dismissal) .... if you're sure about your final destination..... <pauses - looking again at bags 'slight adjustment' >

......... <head almost on shoulder> ..... where do you want to go again..... I mean <sways slightly> ..... what's your goal.... <mock exasperation> ... I mean... your final destination <sotto voce - aside>> that's the word - yes?.... Let's start this again, <big smile and begins walking>  I have to remind myself to remember all the time, let's agree what we're both happy with from the start shall we... it'll make it easier for me <long story.... I won't bore you with the details>> *glance* <confirmed> .... Okay.. so.... let's see..... you want to go where? Actually, we should stop or I could be inadvertently taking you in the wrong direction <points along the road they've walked over>

He notices and says, "Hey, just look at that.... there's only my footprints!"......

She bows her head a way a little (sharp intake of breath) .... points at her feet.... "Barefooted- I like the feel of sand <mumble> <mumble>"

Friday, 13 May 2011


.... there's a great joke about them, but...

Anyway, on the question of Relativity, that's actually a multi-layered theory.

So there are many applications that fit and sit within it.


Imagine.... you've got a huge area and all (or most) jigsaw pieces to cover it. You can't assume you know how many pictures are within it,

Applying relativity in this scenario allows auditing for composition and/or assessing eventual placement and indicators. Meeting all of the usual methodical standards applicable.

I'll try to give an example:

I've always loved The Beatles, and my personal favourite is John... I've never met him, sadly, but I'd like to think we'd get on. Although complete strangers ... we share so much in common,

Both from Liverpool

Neither much rated school

Childhood sense of not-belonging

Appreciation of Art, Expression ... etc...

I think he'd laugh at my jokes, or at least, I'd like to think so.

Anyway, getting back to my point on relativity.... I've always been a fan.... and when I was about 14, I recall beginning to wonder what it was about some records that appealed to me more.

After identifying the cause, I thought, "Well... that figures" and tested it to see how far it stretched across the board, with interesting results.

How great would it be....?

Then I remember.... about the conditions (aka Rules) that govern - if they're good ones, they always apply.

Count my blessings and consider how worthwhile I could make life whilst enjoying my children and the sacrifices I've made for them. See how many ways I might impress them and what are the benefits associated with failure to succeed with that? (There always is one).

A favourite song....

and I feel like listening to this right now....

"A funny thing happened to me en route....."

<amazed laugh>

".....Can you IMAGINE?!!!! I met a Geni, who told me I could have any wish, but that there were conditions (there's always a catch)"

"I've been thinking about how to make the most of that know.... deliberating...... <checks>

Wishes are important, like the old saying goes, we should each be careful when it comes to those."

"Anyway, I've been spending a lot of time trying to pick a critical mass out of each and every aspect of the full concept.... <modest half laugh> Guess what?

"Can't find a fault with the story line.".... "Y'see, <leaning forward (sets scene) really enjoying getting into the swing of this/confidentially> usually there's several, you can always spot them, if you know the question behind them being there, but ... well.... basically, - I'm that analytical (and hate time wasting)so much so that I've developed a shortcut reminder system that prompts instinctive recognition. The downside is that I might look surprised ... initially, but that is often a good thing."

"I mean....., imagine you're a genius....Imagine with me, you wouldn't want to be wrong about that because.... that's a really great (and useful) thing to be. Think potential.......

However, you'd at least need to prove it to yourself. Now the best way to be satisfied with the conclusion is if it is exactly what you don't want (must be true?) or, you achieve the standard you're anticipating, in which case... the difficulty must be increased... by raising standards you're eliminating unreliable results, monitoring skill, depth, range and development. If the object is to be right then the tests must by design have independent and recognised pre set criterion, which can then be applied with biased negativity towards the results. By default, a Genius must attain credibility, by demonstrating success by utilising these very obstacles - like water to wine - 'Hey Presto!' from Negative/into Positive.

This is primary maths and formal logic......

*Note to Self*


I must make a confession to Kevin.... (my eldest Son)

Often, when he was little... people would beam and say,

"He's Just like his Father"

I did say that too, though I would stare sometimes.... trying to see where I stopped and he started - scientifically considering the chances of two blonde children being born (consecutively) to a couple who's Mum had such high genetic hereditary dominant hair colour established preferences.

I considered his immediate family pool, of nine children, he was one of 3 with blonde hair, then 3 had strawberry blonde, and another three were mousey. How come his blonde gene had won that argument?

Personally, really couldn't see any obvious similarity apart from the hair, although, having said that.... both my Sister and Brother were blonde when infants - though they became much darker as they grew. Whereas, I'd always been the same shade (Dark Ash Brown) - it's almost black but.... I'm developing platinum highlights at regular intervals. I quite like the salt and pepper contrast (reminds me of my Dad).

Which brings me back to my Kevin, like one of his favourite teachers said to me in St. Luke's, "You can tell yours, they're like peas from the same pod" - I knew she meant you all look like me, I felt so proud... you've no idea how gorgeous you kids all look to me and you know what that means?!

Show me the Monet..... (comment on the show)

<sweeps past Freud>

I've been thoroughly enjoying this wonderful programme and have laughed till tears were tripping down my face at some of the expressions (I'd love to explain my theories in para linguistics, 3 independent and unconsciously corroborating examples) and my conclusions from their comments etc during the show today).

I'd also love to be able to examine one or two of the paintings that have so far been produced by aspiring artists. As an amateur artist myself, it fascinates me being able to understand how a painter was thinking with each brush stroked in oils on a canvas.

So impressed with the ladle 'painting' ... but I would like to have a huge magnifying glass to enjoy what I believe is on the 'label' and surrounding reflections both top and bottom.... otherwise I won't ever know whether it was 'Me' or 'Ha' on the left cheek (right as you're facing).

How amazing to be able to produce such intricate and complex patterns in miniature on a scale that's unlikely to ever be appreciated and then so modest and not point it out to the panel. What size brush did he use for that area... anyone know?

I've only been painting for a year now (well... a few months over), how many years does it take to learn how to produce miniature marvels like that?!

Thanks to all of the panel, for the laughter and informative intellectual discussions.... so highly entertaining and much enjoyed!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

I blame myself for it....

They're all such show offs and yet so incredibly modest with it..

My first son, while I'm thinking about his capers.....

Started to walk at the age of 7 months!!!

That's daring....

Maybe I'm at fault for not encouraging him, but in my defense.... he took me by surprise! His biggest fault is a lack of confidence, but he'll always overcome his modesty - he's always had my approval.

They're all like that too.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Self - Taught (Artist)

As I paint, and teaching myself how to do this.....

I think about all of the greatest artists, those I've so far learnt about....

Although I'm 47 (which even I couldn't pretend makes me a spring chicken)

Note to self: .... Make sure you don't forget to re-check this for subliminal inclusions... but be brave and publish first... because you're 'Showing OFF!'


"There's no room here...."

Mum explained to me....

how upset, concerned and annoyed she was. 

She told me

 she didn't know what else to suggest......

When I got home that evening,

I started to pack....

I listened carefully as Kev pleaded....

and to all of his promises...

Of course 

I understood the reality, 

I had nowhere else to go.


Just a push...

He said.... but we have never agreed about the definition.

Would you call it a push when fingers are curled into a ball and the whole hand is used, with force, on a woman's face, particularly when they're pregnant?

I still believe that is called something else.

Anyway, with the taste of my own blood from the split lip resulting from that 'push' ...... I insisted he stopped the car.

The disagreement had been about money and who looked after the baby, not whether we could afford for it to be me.

In a woodland area he eventually stopped the car long enough for me to safely climb out and begin an hour or so's walk,

I headed for my Mum....


Thousand ...

people saw Michael Jackson at Wembley 
during July 1988. 

Heavily pregnant - I was amongst them....

1988 ...

The long hot summer of 1988 was one of the hottest on record for England, an 'Indian Summer'. There were hosepipe bans and I was thrilled that I was pregnant.

My first baby was due in September.

There was a lot of commentary, on the news, about births that year. We were told how symbolic the number 8 was around the world. Many couples were hoping (and some arranging) to give birth on 08/08/88 - for good luck.

In May we painted and decorated the 'nursery' in lemon and pastel shades of pink and blue. We'd decided not to be told what sex the baby was, preferring to find out at the birth.

Like all Mums-to-be, I was asked many times during the pregnancy, "What do you want?" and I answered, like most - "A healthy baby", but considered the question carefully.

I wanted a girl.

I knew I'd be delighted whatever sex the baby was, but I also planned to have more. I realised that if I had a boy first, and second, I might be disappointed at the birth of the second child.

That seemed to be the worst possible introduction - to be disappointed, so....

I made a wish.....

Having a girl first meant I'd never be disappointed....

Monday, 9 May 2011

Good or Bad... ?

Well.....either way, it's about the conclusion....?

Wishing the influence over...may be?

Whose happily ever after?

Elephant..... where?

In a living room.... it would be impossible (theoretically) to overlook the presence of an Elephant, and yet it is something that we all practise to a greater or lesser extent, frequently.

To identify the specific blind " 'cause" - involves understanding the most probable taboo applicable - which presents the first obstacle and tangent forming results.

Before a conscious question forms, the parameters (and answers) are unconsciously set:

What do we need to know?


Do we want to know?


  • What does knowing involve?
  • Does knowing involve anything else?
  • How do we benefit?
  • Or....
  • Does knowing involve some 'thing' less attractive or difficult?

  • What options are available?
  • What's the 'easiest' way to deal with this?

Almost invariably the latter is selected as this is an obvious preferential choice.

In a 'Politically Correct' environment, if someone should point and exclaim, "There's an Elephant!" 

and the Elephant immediately responds saying, "Where?" or "Don't be silly!"
(and everyone else - on cue - continues pretending they have not noticed) it's even possible that the one pointing a finger would be treated with scorn, dismay by all else around (including the elephant) for being so impolite and un oblivious.

If you walked into a room and spotted something strange, would you point and exclaim? Or would it be easier to pretend, like everyone else seems to be?

Would you turn to another and comment, surreptitiously, "Don't you think that's a bit odd/weird/different?" 

What if they replied, "No - do you?" 

Could you be honest and explain why you do?

What if you couldn't quite define it, and the company weren't interested / appreciative or disagreed?

Could you then understand and accept, like the child crying, "Wolf!". why those around you, who (after all) just want comfort of uninterrupted sleep - warm and safe - in their beds, don't thank you or would you feel confused when you're told that you're wrong or maybe that you're lying?

How hard is it to see an Elephant in the room, a wolf or something 'else' in dispute?


It's not easy.......

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


To Audience....

<glances over shoulder>

Oh YES they DO!

Fixed.....Which was?

For the sake 
Argh     u   ment......?

Someone: Which(s) are great....

Else: Witches aren't real though!

Someone: Er....I'm a which....

Else: Witches don't exist!

Someone: Which part of me saying I am a which do
                you have a problem with...?

Else: But you're not!

Someone: Who says I'm not?

Else: Me.... I do

Someone: Hm.... but why do you say that I'm not?

Else: Because..... -  it's childish and ridiculous!

Someone: I seeWhy do you think it's ridiculous?

Else: Because - it is!

Someone: What is ridiculous?

Else: This is silly!

Someone: What's silly?

Else: This is!

Someone: Because - you say I'm not a which?

                What do you know and that I don't?

Else: This argument is ridiculous, I don't want to discuss it anymore!

Someone: Why?

Else: I've just said!

Someone: You didn't explain though, which is why I asked and .....
                I'd still like to know....... ?

Else: Let's talk about something else!

Someone: Just so that I'm sure I've understood you correctly,
                what you're saying is....
                that I'm not a which
                you've decided 
                that's ridiculous?

Else: (pauses for thought) - ... that just about sums it up... Yes.

Someone: What if you're wrong?

Else: I refuse to discuss this any further, this argument is going around
        in circles, it's pointless and a waste of time.

Someone: ... Hmm.... interesting.
                   I'd like to say a few things first.....




               You say that I'm ridiculous for stating that I'm a which, but refuse
                to explain why you believe that and also dismiss the point
                in further discussion, witch wood offer me the opportunity
                to explain the first premise. However, I don't believe you even can
                or want to describe your argument because it is that which is
                ridiculous. Of course, I'm only guessing, but I suspect you
                believe that which(S) belong in fairy tales, cartoons, movies and

                Which of course, is also true.

                However, witch(ess) - by definition - are individuals who make
                independent choices for themselves. They don't bow to public
                misconceptions or fable, unless they choose to, they live
                alongside... deciding what they are, what that involves and how.

                It's not up to you or anyone else to decide who or what they are.
                What makes you think you know? Could you even describe them when
                you don't believe they exist.

Who told you that?

Sunday, 1 May 2011

1st of May....

Happy May Sun Day!

May Day is traditionally associated with merriment, rituals of fertility, and song, all of which form part of pagan celebrations marking the end of Winter and the promise of the Summer to come.....

For many pagans, though much misunderstood and maligned (and strangely still associated with evil even today), the Virgin Mary (amongst many others) symbolically stood for and/or served as an iconic replacement - so allowing the worship of the Goddess to continue.

It is the Goddess, primarily, for whom May Day is actually dedicated.

Celebrations herald  and welcome the return of the God and Goddess from their winter absence and slumber

As the pagan Gods return, with them they bring the warmth of the Sun, breathing life back into the Earth -  and so the cycle of life recommences.