Creative Genius 'At Work'- Depth Psychology Meets Digital Faction/Art, or... to put it another way, 2D or Not 2 D?... Sorry, what was the question?. Dissertation - does that mean Prof of the Pudding? Or another... Do you know what I know or am I the only one who knows what I know I know?
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Friday, 6 January 2012
Practical applications.....
Those with an auditory processing difference by order acquire (or develop - as a natural extension) the complimentary skills to compensate for any apparent momentary lapses in auditory proximity fields - that is to say, on those occasions when a comment isn't readily interpreted as intended.
There could be any number of different, significant reasons for these lapses, or combination.
Individuals maybe completely absorbed in some personal train of thought, or distracted by the same. Likewise, any other sound in their hearing distance may also effectively interrupt.
For example: -
Any context involving another person will include additional sounds in vicinity. So, as these can’t be selectively discarded, in principle, from this point additional skills will or could be utilised to maximise perception.
These additional skills increase over time and, due to the negative reactions in response to 'repeat' requests, gradually include more visual, context, and 'cue' prompt reactions as independent confirmation sources for implication consideration.
That's applied logic, but explaining it is difficult because, if you're not an experienced practitioner you need to imagine being frequently subjected to the negative aspects of human response, to appreciate the accumulative effect. As it's this aspect that promotes the personal development of additional compensatory skills.
More often expressions are of an involuntary nature and denial is another huge impact issue that is frequently encountered as a result.
Imagine someone with tourettes, who's unable to prevent themselves from vocally translating - either your words or their own impressions - in (what's socially considered) an inappropriate way. Tourettes has become more readily understood and recognised, though there's no doubt it has significant impact and severe limitations on the realistic expectations of those who suffer from it in any ambitious way, regardless of their intellectual abilities. That's got to be frustrating and probably further complicates the experience.
In very general terms, our societal cultural values and principle depends, promotes and exists on polite pretence.
Social codes dictate the way that we greet, impart and receive information, there's also a huge amount of human exchange on a subversive unconscious level. Consequently people spend time considering, practicing and rehearsing how to conceal or suppress specific information, particularly when they fear or associate it with weaknesses. This information maybe considered by product, in effect emotional responses such as tears, laughter, by character and context may betray something fundamental and detrimental in so far as they're not the desired impression.
Blushing, for example, is a human trait that gives a massive indication in reaction to some particular cue. Given a choice, the majority of people would eliminate this facet from their own responses, if they could. However, it can be appreciatively received in a variety of settings and so, in effect, the benefits outweigh any perceived disadvantage. Still, this is one basic and elementary clue that those with auditory processing difficulties will more readily identify - some people do have the inclusive ability to limit or control this response too.
In reality, people consciously inhibit their responses by choice selection for a variety of reasons. Those with (what's called) auditory processing disorder are more likely to recognise this indication on a conscious level (though this is often portrayed through subconscious demonstration in general terms) and with experience 'play' the response part expected.
Processing difficulties can perhaps be more readily understood within this description as it takes time to build up the full picture beyond what's explained and empirically understood. Masking techniques are global and include cultural differences, however... indications of use are not limited by area, age, or society and as such can be readily identified.
Unless you understand yourself it's difficult to appreciate the issues encountered or the exact reasons why strategies exist along with their nature.
Even the breaths someone takes, every gesture, timing and measure are indicative. Fluctuations by expression, suppression, inclination, suggestion, implication, rational, motivational, conceptual, logical, ratificational, et al. Those with rapid processing skills interpret or apply exhaustive measurements to establish what was meant and almost inadvertently identify in addition anything underlying and incorporational through this process.
This fluency and assimilation ease establishes a frame in various undercurrent language terms. It takes time to fully comprehend and appreciate especially when you consider how this skill is established, because it's generally misunderstood, undermined, undesired and frequently dismissed. This leads to confusion and rapid repeat tests to establish accurate data qualified by independent authenticity (without influence).