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Saturday, 19 February 2011

I haven't decided which is the hardest book to read, but....

I bought "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", almost immediately after the film was released.

I was too young to see it at the cinema, I couldn't go (Age - Certificate)

I felt quite clever buying the book, as if I'd overcome the problem.....

I knew (roughly) what the story was about.... from the film trailers....

I couldn't wait to find out more.....

I forget how old I was... well.... I forget what age the cinema would allow,


It took me 3 months to get through the first chapter.

I struggled to make sense of what was being said.... suggested..... by The Chief

Of course, I didn't know much about this character from the short trailers, I had expectations but hadn't realised it was told from his point of view (they don't explain that in the film trailers).


Jack Nicholson's character hadn't arrived in the story at this point......

3 months..... confounded......

Couldn't make it out.... at least....

I took a long time taking on board what was being suggested.....

Then I figured it out... phew.....

Brilliant story, one scene in the book wasn't included in the film, but I love that film too.

Having read the book first, naturally.... when I finally got to see the film that had generated my interest in an already much loved story.......

I was so glad it was Jack Nicholson playing the part of Murphy.... I knew he wouldn't let me down!

The Chief,

The BIG Man himself.....

Brilliant, breath taking just recalling some moments.....

I can hear the steady beat of the drums....

The sound made by the movement of his feet.... in time

I always cry at the end

Mind you.... I've cried laughing ... even while reading the book