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Sunday, 27 February 2011

Like a Fairytale...

If you have lots of opportunities to prepare, I guess it could even cover every eventuality.

One thing I've noticed is how many sayings we've amassed and how they apply to so many combinations of events. Like, "Time heals", "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", "One day your prince will come," every woman notices that last one.

Imagine, the problem is contact

Because you want that

Do you avoid it?

Could you?

I was a tree...(half questioningly - head moves)

Background - Varies (Paintings, Photos, Film shots - relevant)
Cast & crew by mutual agreement with the author
Props: - ear-piece (nod when you're listening to me - say 'Okay' and start nodding when you're returning to script and I'll say, "Okay" in reply, but (you may need to) repeat it, "Okay, okay, okay" until I've replied).


(monologue - face to camera, casual, open recollection - sharing)

<ad lib/direction/continuous film (all cuts agreed)>
When I was an infant, our class had a ...

Nativity scene, a school play...

After a lot of painting, we rehearsed for weeks preceding the performances - planned during December.

I would hold my arms up for hours and watch each of these classroom - staged versions from rehearsal to final delivery.

I saw how often the other kids felt awkward, y'know....nervous, forgot their lines, or grew in confidence....

(reminisce - why they were picked)

I could only see the backs of those on stage during the scene with the baby Jesus, but I could see their audience clearly. I figured out who belonged to who.... <pause for thought>... (parent/child) with a lot over those performances. <trails away>

( In the three minutes that now pass, various expressions)

<looks up at camera> - shoulder height - intimate (soft black and white)>

I've been given an impression

Listen to this <giggles>... right?

Imagine you've got an idea message and you're just wondering how you get to best to give it

You might think, antique type if you're writing it

Or even, ... Why think it?

I might imagine a painting, that's the beauty of art.... the means of reflection.

Mmm......The means of reflection...

The thing that makes art special is that it includes so many things, and defines everything.

Encapsulated within the boundaries of a painting are the innermost creative ability of the artist, whether using palette or brush (I prefer natural oils myself). Language has been generally confined by description to written or spoken word, but it's so much richer. An artist sees more.


Okay, What more can you see?

Friday, 25 February 2011

Effect Cause..

Or Cause and Effect,

Interchangeable and I think this works as a good example:

Memory, let's say you need it for something...

You forget...

You worry about it, you weren't meant to forget (where you?)

this is natural behaviour.

Choice of strategy?

Fear of failure?




Like the sense of relief when you find your car keys (where you put them). Rewards come in all size and shapes.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

A Birdie...?

Mag Pi


For Sorrow


For Joy


For a Girl


For a Boy


For Silver


For Gold


For a Secret


To be


Her Master plan...

..... needed to be full proof, to be successful it had to work on every level and be demonstrated

Plus, as any glowing will tell you, any chance they get to show off is mandatory - y'just got to

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Rights of way....

... I'm wondering if that would prove popular....

As an artist, I understand that the painting is signed when I've reached the point where I'm satisfied that it's completed.

However, as an artist I've discovered there are unlikely to be many paintings that I feel I couldn't change .... improve in some way.

Rights of way could be an integral aspect of the sale of a painting, those customers who are completely happy with their painting can waiver, any time. But I may ask them, at their convenience, when I might visit their painting and be permitted to suggest an improvement... by way of this stipulation (contract).

Would Museums approve of that I wonder.....


.... can you imagine a situation where a bit part player suddenly becomes part of a muddling plot?

They speak ..... they say,

"Er.... well, I'm not sure if this counts? Would it upset anyone if I mention this now?

(and they know that the answer is probably "Yes" )

they continue....

..... it is with deep respect to this woman that I feel I must explain that, although I don't really know him, and, please, consider how flattering this is, I do have a genuine objection:- (to wit)

Freedom of choice, just thought I'd mention it."

Or, instead...... look around behind them... hoping someone will say something....surely......

and looks back at the other main character - asking themselves, "is it bliss?"

Maybe...... <hands up> "Yes, I'd like to say - I wish it was me".

Possibly......"Woops, sorry.... didn't realise I'd held my hand up"


I learnt a new psychology test, by answering one.

I was told there were no right or wrong answers, and to use my imagination to answer each question (preferably without pause).

"Describe the forest to me"

High trees, sun light streaming through the branches high above, I feel sunlight on my head

"Look around, describe everything, what do you see?"

Including the sound of the birds singing?


Okay, there's a lot of sound, ferns rustle as I move around, it's dark green mostly, but I can see where the sunlight has broken through

"you continue walking and after a little while, you turn around and look back at the way that you came, tell me what you see?"
(is there a path)

I see the movement of the ferns and shrubs - where I have passed them. Is there a path?... yes, just a track though, I can only just make it out, trodden leaves, it's slightly muddy here

"Now you're happily walking on, ... when.... suddenly you see an animal............................What animal do you see?"




"Okay, So... the Hedgehog attacks you..."

A hedgehog isn't going to attack me

"Remember, you've got to use your imagination, so... imagine now what you'd do if the animal attacks you"

The hedgehog? (incredulous)

"Yeah, if that's the animal that you see... ?"

(re focuses: criteria - hedgehog with attacking abilities - replays scenario)

I push it aside and carry on walking, I don't need to argue with a hedgehog - just get out of the way

"As you're walking along, you see a key, what do you do?"

Wait, what kind of key is it? (not interested if it's Yale - too common)

"Whatever kind of key you like?"

Okay, - large, ornate, belongs on a ring - housekeeper/governess - secret garden

(mentally inspects and idly polishes)

"What do you do with the key?"

I admire it, I'm considering it's history, who's been involved with it, and where it belongs

"Do you put it anywhere, describe what you're doing?"

I look at the key I'm turning over in my hand, wondering what to do with it now. I have a cloth which I wrap it up in and place in my pocket (like Lucy)

"Why did you do that?"

Not sure what to do with it ....yet. I'll put it somewhere where I can think about it and keep it safe.

"You see water, describe what way?"

Any kind of water, like an ocean, river... that kind of thing?


Okay, (rapid elimination - selection) waterfall, deep pool and babbling brook running away

It's very pretty, I can hear birdsong, the sun is shining and lighting up the spray from the waterfall, like crystals.

(my favourite place)

"Moving away from there..."

Why would I want to? (eyecapture of scene)

"You're now walking towards the edge of the forest, as you get nearer... you can see what lies ahead, what do you see?"

My eyes are still on the waterfall scene, I'm walking away and then turn my head in the direction I'm walking, I have to look ahead?

"Yes, what do you see?"

There's a hill in the distance, not too far away, there's a wooden fence, some wild flowers are growing on the otherside, I'm looking for the turnstyle..... so I can climb the hill .... take in the view from the top. There's a sweet fragrance being carried on the warm breeze.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Taking turns..

Out of the mouths of babes....

What could Be...

... More Thrilling than meeting the one person you want to impress?

Monday, 21 February 2011

From Concerned....


Dear Stafford Borough County Council,

I'm thankful for all the good services you provide and would appreciate your advice....

I'm very worried about my 11 month old labrador who's very clever and is becoming very bored. I write on his behalf......

"I'm bored in the garden all day, my owner gets upset with me when I find a way out of the garden and all the neighbours are worried I'll get run over. Is there anything you could do to help me?

By the way, my owner is lovely but will insist I spend most of my time in a large garden (that gets very scary after dark).... all by myself too.

P.S. My owner says I should also tell you that she has cream carpets and muddy paws leave marks for days.

Oh and that the reason why she got me is because I'm company for her.
(she's single)

Oh yeah... and she loves me too

What would be Nice...

is if I knew a sexy private investor

Someone very wealthy

Who gets my sense of humour

Perhaps waiting,

I've even got a beginning for the book

"It's okay folks," <lara appears from the distance and comes up close camera with a cheeky grin

".. the good news is, we're technicians.... <broader grin> the bad news is.......

..... <sucks teeth,, shakes head> you're know what that lot are like! <happy>


.... since a child I've found certain information more interesting...

With hindsight I think there's a probability that I get bored easily

I'm sure that's something I can't control easily

Biology was interesting but I found it boring when it created boundaries of exclusion, example....

Let's say you're told something about a flower's development and you accept that (it's true - no question)

Then you're told something else that has some influence on what you've already accepted about the previous information.

Like Hansel and Gretel, you might walk off in different directions, collecting crumbs, stones or sticks, and as long as you're sure there's an end inevitably, there's a wealth of area detail to be discussed and understood - reconnaissance (if we remove the wicked witch as a problem - let's make her the 'Mum' instead).

She's scientific and pretends to be lazy while her students figure out what she's doing, while they're collecting 'samples' of their choices, she's making notes about their performance and assessing the potential that holds in critically acting as a cross section control (methodology).

In this version, they both come home talking animatedly about what they've found in the forest. They even compare notes, "Did you see that too?" and confirm information integrity like a de-briefing.

Anyway, one thing has continued to interest me.... the balance between the sexes and the way that's usually referred to. And this......

Language Development.... idea...

A couple

A Man and A Woman

No one else around

They're totally focused on each other

They develop expressions, facial primary

At what point do they require sound?

When there's offspring evolved

Babies copy

What sound do they make first and repeat, often with rewards?

Could it be that a babies first expression of itself and it's environment is, "I've just woken up" - and associates immediately

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Fantasy.... is it a possibility?

Well, if I were casting for a film I'd like to see happen in reality,

I'd want a tall, handsome (strangely enough) actor to play the lead man

So, out of the best known current lead man actors available, either Brad Pitt or Hugh Laurie, all emphasis on humour because the associations by implication are global i.e: readily understood.

For example: - Is it too late at 47 to have a crush on someone?

You know the way...

... that words have of conveying different things...

Well, anyway...

I read some advice many years ago that I thought was intended for me, but...

Now, I'm not so sure it was for me

It was this...

You need to find a Happy Medium

Though people have different ideas of what that maybe, the sizes in stores changes within a couple of feet... no way do I put on that amount of weight so quick, or lose it

Not in a couple of feet

I'll say a little.....

What kid in the street.....

is embarrassed years later when remembering telling the neighbourhood kids that ....

He thinks his Dad is called

Oh ah....

Because that's what his Mum calls him all day and night

What's private?


Imagine, at the very first instant, it was pleasure

and that made the first thing after - laughter

and that felt SO GOOD

It just had to be shared - thought

and Thought divided,

almost identical, but fundamentally different

Lock and Key

The perfect fit

and first compliment

How I'd like to know

Short summary: -

By the way we laughed

Here's one I like...

An argument?

Yes, think about it, that makes perfect sense

An idea exploded into being, it had been shaped

By detailed description

First time in telling requires explanation

Like, how does that work?

Discussed, and agreed or negotiated how it would work

Like a programme

Anyone interested would know what glitches need

And what they imply


The Goal - Heaven

Or the equivalent - here on Earth?

And one of the best bits (of the game) is that you're right, you win

If you've got an answer for everything

Mad idea?

A Movie?

Tomb Raider?

Another thing too...

I remember studying Mel as she sat at her desk after explaining that she'd been previously self employed. I remember asking why she'd returned to employment within this role. It puzzled me.

I'd got mixed up, turned out she'd been working in another dept and had done for years, she'd been approached by someone more senior who thought she might do this job, you know... as a promotion.

She loved it, she said.

Her face was serene

Complete 'at peace' with herself, almost smug, but in a very nice way.

I liked her so much

Lovely woman

When she told me about a few interviews she'd been involved in, regarding one choice, she'd said the reason for offering the post to that candidate was because of the pause, to think, about how to answer the question.

I liked her explanation too

If someone says to you, "It happens in the kitchen, you'll know and you'll know what that means" with a questioning expression....

And you could decide exactly what it means,

would you think,

Naughty, maybe but... like the cream cake advert says -  nice.

Or, as an answer : - "From the very thought of you"

Something else interesting...

Mel, from Cardiff once asked me, "Do you know a man who smokes er.... a pipe maybe or cigar?"

At the time I was working in Cardiff University and I had no doubt about Mel's abilities.

I wondered who she meant.

The only man, at the time, I could imagine it would be ... was my maternal grandfather.

He'd smoked pipes and as Mel mentioned, it does have it's own interesting aroma

She said he'd just seemed to want to see how I was

I've had a rethink ...

What if it wasn't my Grandad?

For years...

... I kept a note made of the tarot reading I'd had.

Some points particularly interested me

The way she exclaimed when she told me I would marry again - her expression

I waited, she didn't elaborate, that got my interest

She mentioned hands on my shoulders

And indicated it was a man who I knew well

Naturally I thought immediately of my father, I felt he was with me

Favourite Compliments...

"In the painting? If so, red is too dramatic (on the walls) the room was intended as essentially plain, so the style they are now was a touch of inspiration from yourself"

I love you

You're the Best Mum in the World

The most generous person I've ever met

Wow, I knew Mum would be good but I didn't think she'd be this good, did you?

I think I would recognise your brush stroke, I've noticed how it moves up slightly on one side

Witty, intellectual and caring

She's strict, but fair and great fun to be around

The sound of laughter

A voice singing

An empty plate

Magic Tea - it appears ' Just like that '

Trick or Treat?

One of my all time favourites:

Peter - wants something he can't afford

I listen patiently as he weaves a range of reasons why it might be really good if he gets some money

I'm weighing up how much I can get from this

I want to play a trick on him that will make us both laugh (a good memory)

I say, "Okay, but you have to agree to my conditions before knowing what they are, but you know what I'm like"

He started laughing and trying to negotiate, of course, I repeated the one stipulation - no prior knowledge.

He laughed as he listed his concerns, about what things I might include, I even contemplated a few of them, just for the edge in his laugh.

Eventually, of course, he agreed

So I promptly took him to Tescos, which is always full

As we walked through the parking area towards the store, I noticed a family group walking towards us, I figured, I'd try out my latest gag now and prompted Peter

He looked at me laughing and pleaded with me, "You're not going to make me do this really.... are you?"

I persuaded him, "Will it hurt you or will you laugh when you have to do it?"

He said he'd laugh...

I said, "Good, so will I"

I kept nudging him with my elbow, nodding my head at him, until he said, "I Love You....You're the Best Mum in the Whole World"

I told him off, pointed out that I'd been specific

He was to say it loudly, not mumble, so that people could hear and then act normal when I reacted 'surprised'

He kept laughing, refusing to play

I said, "Okay, then I guess it's back to paupery for you - no extra money for that thing"

"Pity though, it would have been such a great laugh, think how pleased I'd be... you saying that to me in public so everyone could hear".... then sighed and looked wistfully away 'no pressure'

I lost count how many times he said it, I was more flamboyantly surprised each time

I found he could be prompted without money,

I think it was because he liked the way I laughed too

I'd turn, all dramatic and then hug him, better than an 'air' kiss, and say, "Aw PETER..... thank you, I love you too".

And so many people saw us, in the car park, Tesco's ...

...... laughing and hugging each other saying out loud, "I Love You"

Would I be repeating myself if I suggested the best way to play Trick or Treat?

How much would you pay for a wry grin, followed by a laugh?

I  know I probably appear very easily pleased,

I think I'm critical and honest, sometimes that may even appear brutal, but might be what someone else chose.

For example, I know my youngest son needs to get a bit more than just one weeks pocket money off me soon. I also know that I'd be happier giving it if I made it fun. So.....

I have made him a bet

£10 he forgets to brush his teeth before leaving the bathroom on Monday morning.

He's still got to do his usual chores, empty the bins, put the correct wheelie bin out and bring it inside - replace in the garden - when he comes in.

I can't lose, which expression do you think would be the funniest?

Who'll laugh most?

Who wins?

Saturday, 19 February 2011

My Biggest Baby....

Is about 6ft at full stretch and seems to be afraid of the dark

The big wuss!

He's figured out that when it's boring and dark outside, we all appear to be awake and having fun in the kitchen or dining room (where I'm usually found - presiding over this lap top, with my easel to my right (elbow reach - I have to be careful I don't smudge a painting while I'm typing or generally moving about.

I need eyes in the back of my head at the moment, behind me are the patio doors, and great source of light for my canvas. I often stand back, next to the radiator, my back to the mirror, admiring what I've done on the canvas or telling myself off and why it's not good enough.... yet.

So, anyway, this big scary black ball of baby fur has also worked out, if he steps up to the house in specific ways, he's rewarded with more light. This also means he can peer (more comfortably) behind him. I sometimes feel tempted to open the door and call out (pantomine style) He's Behind YOU!

Do you think he'd jump?

I do too

He's also discovered he can bark.

For such a little boy, he's got a big mouth

In the dark, he's no idea how scary he looks.... just big, sharp, white teeth coming at you - with a twinkle in each big brown eye. Sometimes, I swear... he laughs and I'm sure I've seen him wink. Honest, cross my heart, each time I see it I tell myself, "That's ridiculous... isn't it?" "What if I'm right?"

I like the idea of a big grinning black ball of baby fur that winks and makes me think, "Just how clever Are you?"

The trouble with....

... being lucky, having two extremely gorgeous (and incidentally) highly intelligent/albeit fortunately eloquent puppies (try saying that all in one breath without a pause) is that most people think dogs are quite stupid.

Whereas, I think they're man's best friend, but we don't appreciate them enough.

If we reminded ourselves, even while our own food went cold, that this animal has got feelings too. It might just express them another way... or more noisily, but we should be glad they're intelligent enough to want to. I wonder what we sound like to them?

My labrador is almost one year old, and he's mystified at the moment. You know what labradors are like, with their head tilted to the side and a frown - Perplexed.

He's finding living outdoors, whilst appearing unlimited and a bit too big at first, is actually quite small when it comes to interesting things to do. I also suspect he's realised I'm reluctant to get wet or cold, as preference, I like to choose what I avoid. He's wondering how much influence he can have on my decision, you know, whether I'll give in to that cute expression and give him a treat.... something he wants like food. He always likes food.

Next door's garden appears heavenly to my huge baby, I think it's got something to do with their dog standing at the border and looking so much like a play friend. My pup is convinced it shouldn't be wrong, afterall.... if he just moves this thing I keep putting in the way.... he's figured out, he can get in there all by himself, no help required.

He's probably confused about why he doesn't get a reward after being so clever. I must seem like a proper spoil sport. I don't look at all impressed when he shows me the great stick he's just about to sit down and enjoy chewing either, in fact... I often look cross - Humans must seem weird to dogs.

Andy Warhol

Conjures up iconic figures in new tones, a fresh perspective

And a prophecy : - "Everyone will have at least 15 minutes of fame" (or words to that effect - implicit)

stated and accepted in waves as fact

Interesting fact that isn't it?

Because I think, like that, I had to ask myself, "Who is excluded?"

and the answer to that is No-one, which reminds me of a funny story involving someone calling themselves by that name.............


By definition, in whole-cascade-unilaterally, there was almost immediate accord.


That's how we determine 'facts'

Or am I mistaken?

Actually, that's one of the reasons why they interest me

What if, there was proof of a multiverse, what would it look like?

These are some of the questions that we've all puzzled about to some extent

I was interested to hear Stephen Hawkins, and his fine colleagues, explain almost ashamedly, of their interest (scientifically) in Time Travel. I'd recently watched a programme about space time and I've also been researching additional dimension (11th, or more) and the influence this exerts and the potential that offers as an explanation.

Years ago..

I was very happy to be encouraged to see someone purported to be clairvoyant.


No Fee

Of course, I knew all about subliminal 'gives'

I had, in many ways, been prepared

I was genuinely curious

were they as genuine too?

She mentioned several things

She cast the tarot - full life

I was interested at the use of key, or you might call trigger words, usually given to prompt a cue

I know every comment I made in response was non-committal

Could she convince me?

How did she feel about those cards

She paused a number of times, asked for some clarification before explaining why

I like to understand why

I haven't forgotten her comments and expressions as she read the cards without help from me

I did react when she told me that I'm really good with money

I said, "Am I?"

She said, "Oh yes, you're very good"

I thought, well..... that's nice - to be told

The alternative didn't appeal to me.

If there were two very clever children,

who happened to meet one day, quite by chance

maybe as adults....

What would their opening comments be like?

After..... "Hello, nice to meet you at last"  of course

Could it be something like,

"Sorry, you just reminded me of something, what did you say.... again?"

and perhaps the most interesting thing is their expression when they say that, because of what that makes you think

I also think of Whitney Houston when I think about the Greatest Love of all

I think Narcissus was much maligned

It looks like I might be stuck...

with ironing his shirts.....

I've explained, jokily (obviously) how I feel about ironing his shirts and told him when he's at University, although he threatens to return often, I don't want to iron all of his shirts.

He won the argument

He pointed out that I do them so well

I pointed out, after grinning.... that even if that Were true....

It spoils it completely when I see all my efforts draped over his floor, or anywhere else not a hanger

And he might want to remember that... especially if he's hoping to get a roast dinner or anything resembling a rhubarb crumble... never mind a beautifully ironed shirt

I think it's so cute...

There's my confident 18 year old, worrying about how best to impress the people who will interview him at his first choice of University (though, he'd probably deny that - I'm his Mum, and I know).

He doesn't seem to think much about the associations with Cambridge or Oxford, and although they both appeal to me, I love his modesty and approve of his choice.

If you worked as an interviewer in ... oh ..... anyway, there was a Parent admiring her child 'showing off' to the most prestigious (in his mind) University, would you wonder how easily she's impressed? What about flattered?


What a great title, what a great film...

I love the scene where it's explained why he needs to hear her voice,

How and why she over comes not being able to hear his

Maybe they could use this film as an example of why it's important to make your choice known in advance, weigh up the possible consequences and - why clearing the airway is so important with first aid and it doesn't matter whether it's solid if it's an obstruction (like water) if you need it out of the way in order to breath.

Why it's less important to attempt to force air into the lungs when there's no blood circulating (which is already oxygenated at the right amount). Mind you, I could be wrong about that, but I think that's correct.


I know that's considered unfashionable, we could use a flashy new 'disorder' symptom criteria list or accept that - I must find that more interesting, if only for the rewards.

I Claudius, the series on T.V, fascinated me....

I recently attended an interview,

I liked the title of the job and the prospects were great

Lots of challenges, a whole range

With a favourite addition


Oh and the ability to enhance the job, find new things to include (great when you're eventually going to get bored and start looking for something else you could do as well), something new and interesting.

I even liked the boss, she reminded me of Ann, who I worked with once

I thought we got on, you know... clicked

I did wonder - would it sound very childish and probably very off putting? Otherwise I would have asked her would she like to be friends anyway.

Courtship behaviour exists in every species, doesn't it?

I ask because, I'm wondering if I could be wrong. Great piece of advice that, given to me by someone special, who said, "Never forget to consider the possibility that's you're absolutely wrong". That just makes sense.In fact, it's the only intelligent way to prove anything conclusively.

My Maths teacher, Mr. Williams, told me two things that I've never forgotten. The first was the word, "Tangent". I thought, "Yay! AT Last.... a word that perfectly describes my way of thinking, in a way that other people can understand".

Also, "Every problem has a solution". He explained that was the basic principle of logic, that it is irrefutable, and mentioned cause and effect. I thought that made perfect sense too.

For example, last night I had a disagreement with my two youngest sons. They told me that they both believe that plants, such as grass/trees/ or at least most of them, were asexual things. Firmly, when I asked, "You both believe that? Why?"  they assured me this is what they've been taught in school science.

Now, I only took Biology as one of my O Level options, and the teacher got embarrassed talking about stamens and fled the class (on the one occasion when sex was mentioned) after the boys started to giggle as he stood there blushing, but the general impression I definitely had was that this was proof that some species have both male and female reproduction organs.

There was another disagreement about the source of the word 'Pleasure', when it was invented, according to my 18 year old, they invented that as a reward, due to the survival instinct. Apparently it's impossible to have discovered it by yourself and there's no obvious reward for procreation.

Considering that again, I'm not sure how many ways I could worry about that comment.

Have you ever wondered...

How did they decide on "Land of the Rising Sun" ?

When did they figure that out and how were they so sure?

I haven't decided which is the hardest book to read, but....

I bought "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", almost immediately after the film was released.

I was too young to see it at the cinema, I couldn't go (Age - Certificate)

I felt quite clever buying the book, as if I'd overcome the problem.....

I knew (roughly) what the story was about.... from the film trailers....

I couldn't wait to find out more.....

I forget how old I was... well.... I forget what age the cinema would allow,


It took me 3 months to get through the first chapter.

I struggled to make sense of what was being said.... suggested..... by The Chief

Of course, I didn't know much about this character from the short trailers, I had expectations but hadn't realised it was told from his point of view (they don't explain that in the film trailers).


Jack Nicholson's character hadn't arrived in the story at this point......

3 months..... confounded......

Couldn't make it out.... at least....

I took a long time taking on board what was being suggested.....

Then I figured it out... phew.....

Brilliant story, one scene in the book wasn't included in the film, but I love that film too.

Having read the book first, naturally.... when I finally got to see the film that had generated my interest in an already much loved story.......

I was so glad it was Jack Nicholson playing the part of Murphy.... I knew he wouldn't let me down!

The Chief,

The BIG Man himself.....

Brilliant, breath taking just recalling some moments.....

I can hear the steady beat of the drums....

The sound made by the movement of his feet.... in time

I always cry at the end

Mind you.... I've cried laughing ... even while reading the book


They say that's the source of all power...

or something like that....

To explain, anything nowadays, you need to be able to speak to your audience, whoever they are.

I imagine that would need to include a great many languages, probably

For credibility, or fun

Languages can often be (but not always) the barrier to understanding

Dialect too, and of course, spelling.

German, for example, I am told - is a highly technical language

Russian is romantic

French .... well, I tend to listen to the accent

I love Spanish

Latin is fascinating

Sandscript interesting

All codes by definition and interwove. Language has changed, evolved too.

At the beginning it must have involved a lot of strange sounds, gesticulation and upset of some form

Friday, 18 February 2011

Tell you what always makes me laugh...

Is the description (I read once) of Einsteins lecture ... in America, on the subject of relativity. During this lecture ... and I quote, it said, "Einstein explained, to those attending who could understand, how all time exists now."

So funny!

I'd be so upset if someone thought I might have been one of those at the lecture who didn't 'get' it!

When's a 'joke' really funny?

When you know it's true?

What does that prove?

Well... it might prove I'm a showoff, what do you think?

A few of my favourite "Sayings"

In no particular order (just as I think of them)

"I don't miss much you know"

"The truth will out"

"That's like .... (then gives an example) ... - this might go on at some length, I've got others......"

"I don't want to bore you"

"I'm not stupid, you know"
(play with the inflection)

"I love all forms of communication, expression, I love language, and Maths is just another form....."

<puzzled expression, almost apologetic, perhaps more annoyed or frustrated> "But I Have" or "But I am"

or "Yes I could"

What IF.......

You could imagine

an extended theory in relation to the

Multiverse Theory,

that had the potential to
(as a side issue)

cure a great deal of illness


And if you knew what that meant....

What would you do?

Imagine IF....

You were wondering,

"Am I up my own...  you know? Or what?"

How modest would you think that person was if

in fact.....

The thought that immediately preceded this self question was.......

"These paintings are genius!"

Can you understand my problem?

Monday, 14 February 2011

Vale and tine



Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Vermillion is of antique hue

Green is my favourite

Ashes of Roses is too

I enjoy colour  -  it's True
do you?

They say Black is the absence
And White is the  full spectrum (in balance)

Unless you're Romeo

Sunday, 13 February 2011


           .......... thinking.....

                   at this time of year     .....

is global..... 

probably?                  ..

A lucky few....

meet their 'special' someone

 the rest ...continue to search

holding tight....

to a box

 of dreams   .............

and all that's left ... 

within it....


that's all 

there is to

 keep them alive......


Saturday, 12 February 2011

Hunters, and gatherers

Hunters and gatherers

..... the definitive descriptive terms for humans.

As a species we're primarily associated with these two main activities in providing ourselves with the sources for sustenance

Though, as commodities go... food isn't necessarily the only aspect of value to be gathered or considered as a form of sustenance.

Hunters do not need guns or arrows.
Things of value may differ regionally, individually, culturally.... what matters is how much and in what way we place value on the phenomena, item, thing, etc.

By far, generally speaking, the greatest value has been placed on the most elusive, exclusive or  difficult to obtain items.  The easiest areas to cite are wealth related. Gems and gold have always been difficult to obtain, so have sources of food, heat, comfort. Though these are relative in the 21st century, where we can artificially improve the provision within specific parameters. Genetically modifying - as an example

Wherever value is placed, so value is increased.

Ease of obtainment is decreased relatively.

And a Cycle commences,

What is valued increases in value

Availability becomes limited and associated (or recognised) costs escalate in proportion

Value invariably increases in relation

Saatchi Showdown - Voting

Please Vote for me! 

In the Saatchi Showdown competition

Please click on the link below...

This is the painting 
Between the Sheaths

A 21st Century romantic portrayal of the English countryside
depicting the path less travelled

Oils on box canvas

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Green darkness....

One of my favourite books, is by Anya Seton: - The Green Darkness..

I was 15 when I last read it.

It introduces, by a dual storyline, the possibility of reincarnation. Initially set in the 60's (or 70's - I forget) and, by introduction, explains how the Akashic records may apply. The reader is offered the freedom to choose how they interpret the story. Afterall, not everyone is comfortable or willing to consider the possibility of reincarnation.

Recently Cosmology/Cosmonogy has offered an alternative view of the world with the multiverse theory. The big bang and string theory (once considered disparate) are now recognised as possible corroboration.

Einstein explained relativity, but his theory is considered to be incomplete, although the addition of an 11th dimension - inclusive by string theory - does, at least appear to, complete Einsteins theory.

He also suggested that all time exists now.

Modern science is currently endeavouring to explain how that applies, within our present knowledge frame of physics.

Time itself has been re-evaluated, now correctly termed "Space Time".

Language is still evolving, though underlying is definitive interpretation, collective and individual.

Take an old song, "Scarborough Fair", as it's now spelt.

Generally considered to be referring to a market fair held in the North East of England some centuries ago. An old and haunting melody, though no one is certain of it's origins, or implicit meaning.

Curious lyrics, associations with magic - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme 

What seems certain is that there's an underlying message, perhaps only the gist is gained through the lyrics - more pertinent, mayhap, is the sound of the refrain









Time or Thyme?.

Friday, 4 February 2011


.... is in the eye of the beholder - so we're told,

and like experience it unfolds

Plagiarism is, by any profession, something ugly,

 upon detection

I was married at the age of 20

The promotion ban had not yet been lifted, and I was ambitious. Increments were now subject to annual performance reviews and I discussed with my Inspector how I might ensure that my pay was improved. He told me that the only way to increase pay was through excelling and for this I needed to provide evidence.

I left his office determined and, with his comments in mind, I created a performance related audit sheet to demonstrate how effective my system was.

Some months later I attended my annual review with this Inspector and explained the audit sheet I  created.  It detailed each item of work that I had acquired, from the previous officer responsible and all subsequent daily post. It demonstrated how incoming post had dropped significantly during the 8 month period since I'd taken over the allocation and how fast the pre-existing backlog had also been dealt with. 

He recommended that my idea be put to HQ via a form 'Sug 60'... though when I searched for this, it was nowhere to be found within our offices. 

I was asked if he could look at my audit form again the following week, he kept it for some days.

Changes over the next few months were gradually made to office practices. 

Post officers were now compiling daily lists detailing post for every allocation, my idea

My idea spread throughout the district and beyond...

When computers were gradually introduced my idea was incorporated - again.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Wonder... full....

Due to policy implementation, with the national consensus agreement of civil servants, there were a number of restructures within the Inland Revenue. This meant office work allocation changes following reduced numbers of staff, partly due to those enjoying voluntary early retirement options.

I had several moves during this phase...

Moved on to allocations described as 'heavy' - due to the significant high volume of work/post associated. 

However, within a few weeks of me taking over these 'heavy' allocations, both incoming and pre-existing work was brought up to date and substantially reduced. 

A few role title changes and a wealth of experience gained whilst learning how the Inland Revenue was involved and implemented laws pertaining to:-

-> P.A.Y.E (NW1)

-> New Schemes (NW6)

-> P.A.Y.E (NW6)

-> Pensions (NW6)

-> Charities - Title  (Claims Branch)

-> Registry (Claims Branch)

-> Compliance (Claims Branch)

I also learnt a great deal about how other people worked, what systems they used and if they had any.

Three invaluable lessons: -

1st - If you don't know what to do and requests for help are met with refusal = make it known that you Still don't know what to do.

Whilst still new to the department, a new form was introduced. A meeting was held to discuss how this new form would be handled. I was amongst 3 other new members of staff, and the newest arrival within this group.

Everyone at the meeting took some notes.

Everyone was told not to action these forms for a number of weeks.

In the meantime the office was reorganised and I found myself on the first (of many) post heavy allocations. I set about clearing the post on hand - oldest first. Adding to the problem was the poor arrangement of the filing range and other related areas.

When the date the new form was to be actioned arrived, I asked colleagues if they were dealing with theirs. From their answers I was under the impression that few were - most complained about their existing work load. I filed mine in a folder created specifically, but was struggling to accommodate this on my desk and so organised a drawer and placed the folder there.

At the end of that week I approached my supervisor with this folder, I wanted clarification of what procedure to follow in actioning them. A number of weeks had elapsed since the meeting and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Although I'd asked colleagues, no one else seemed to be clear about it either. My supervisor was about to go on lunch and asked me to come back to him after. When he did return, he went into the Inspectors office, then he was on the phone, someone else was at his desk.... I didn't get to ask again that day.

The following week I approached him again and he told me to ask one of the other Clerical Assistants. Several attempts left me none the wiser. I replaced the folder in the drawer.

This went on for 3 weeks until my supervisor called me to his desk one day and told me that, whilst I'd been on a day's leave that week, they'd discovered this folder. It was suggested I'd 'squirrelled' the work. He dismissed the number of approaches I'd made to him and colleagues on the grounds that it was past history and he didn't want to discuss it.

2nd - If you're very efficient, you get noticed - it's not guaranteed that the attention will be beneficial.

3rd - Politics is rife in offices - scapegoating

I was discovering a number of the associated complications connected to disability, specifically paraplegia

When I'd moved out of my parents home, I was allowed to take my single bed with me, something to put in the 'spare' bedroom in my new home. My sister had decorated and re-arranged the bedroom we'd previously shared. 

Kev changed almost overnight, 

he told me what 'our' plans were...

We were going to get married and had to save any surplus monies (this was almost non-existent) for the wedding. We didn't go out unless it was a special occasion:- Birthdays or office parties.

When we did, I was often told I looked like a model and although I loved dancing, the opportunities for this had diminished substantially. Fortunately office parties were fairly regular and cheap, usually 3-4 a year (Christmas included).

Kev also had a couple of serious kidney infections during the first year of living together and consequently had spent a week or fortnight in hospital on each occasion. I was warned by medical staff that the nature of these infections was such that they were potentially life threatening.

At home Kev was more concerned with the housework - particularly how well I'd done it. He didn't do any of the housework himself.

While we were both the same grade at work, because he'd been with the Inland Revenue for 7 years at this point, he earned more than I did. This was one of the reasons he gave for taking control of all of our income.

We had a joint bank account, on his insistence. I was allowed £25 per week to be spent on our shopping, incorporated within this amount was any personal expense of mine, including clothing. 

If I didn't have sufficient money or had overspent, I had to justify by producing a detailed summary of every penny spent - literally.

I hadn't learnt to drive and we couldn't afford for me to have driving lessons, but as we travelled to and from work together, we'd bought a car - Kev drove.

Kev liked to go out at lunchtimes, just touring the local shopping centre. I was expected to go along with him. He often complained about the way that I manoeuvred his wheelchair. Any shopping enjoyment I'd previously associated was lost to me.

I no longer saw my friends, due to financial constraints.

When I suggested applying for another job, Kev was very annoyed. He pointed out that being a Civil Servant was practically a job for life, it offered good working conditions, reasonable wages, regard, security and progression - although promotion was currently banned.

He became aggressive.

I was trapped by a combination of circumstances, my own sense of duty/ responsibility, youth and ....


From February 1982, Kev and I had been house hunting. In March we'd found a modest two-up, two-down town house (ideal for first time buyers) for the moderate sum of £15,500. We made an offer and this was accepted, solicitors were employed for conveyancing and we were advised it usually took 3 months for completion. I started a small collection of household linens and pots, pans etc.

At the end of March the current owners rang to tell me that contracts had been exchanged and completion was going to take place the following Thursday (April). We moved into our first home on the 15th April 1982 


 just like that... 

a home owner at 19 years old 

Wednesday, 2 February 2011


Best one that I've ever read...

Purported to be from a 17 year old boy - submitted to Wal-Mart in Florida ... and they hired him (allegedly) because he was so honest and funny

NAME: Greg Bulmash.

SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person (or one who'll cooperate).

DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.

DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.


LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.

SALARY: A lot less than I'm worth.

MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.



PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p. m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS? Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment.

MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER? If I had one, wouldn't I be there?


DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?"

HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION?: I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearing house Sweepstakes.

DO YOU SMOKE?: On the job no, on my breaks yes.

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS?: Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde supermodel who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.