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Monday, 23 April 2012

Positive disintegration, may look like....

A psychotic break , which could readily be interpreted in a variety of alternative ways by current psychiatric diagnosis. As there's general disagreement, misunderstanding, or lack of appreciation of circumstances leading to or contributing to this condition a number of 'disorders' may be applied by way of diagnosis.

Bi-polar disorder is greatly favoured by current psychiatric teams, at least in the West.

Whatever alternative diagnosis to positive disintegration is involved it almost certainly relies on a clinical definition of normality and considers any diversion from the norm (ordinary and unremarkable) in a less favourable perspective. Though these conditions often involve people with abilities that are more creative, artistic, imaginative and often positive self-affirming views of life.

Those with APD are more likely to exhibit imaginative appreciation of language, expression and emotions. All of which could count towards diagnosis of additional or stigmatic disorders as APD is little understood but frequently associated with psychiatric disorders such as ADHD, Aspergers, and Autism. 

Is it so difficult to understand why people with this condition, and more highly refined depth and range of feeling, are susceptible to depression when they're viewed and described in such negative and encompassing clinical terms. Socially unaccepted or pigeon holed, confined by society's inability to appreciate, or unease.

Underpinning this disorder are a range of talents that are subconsciously engaged, developed and strategically employed. Those with APD are more susceptible to social rejection and likely to develop masking techniques to disguise their abilities to appreciate more than is said, feel more than the average person and express more articulately and specifically.

APD can manifest as problems determining the direction of sounds, difficulty perceiving differences between speech sounds and the sequencing of these sounds into meaningful words, confusing similar sounds such as "hat" with "bat", "there" with "where", etc. Fewer words may be perceived than were actually said, as there can be problems detecting the gaps between words, creating the sense that someone is speaking unfamiliar or nonsense words. 
Those suffering from APD may have problems relating what has been said with its meaning, despite obvious recognition that a word has been said, as well as repetition of the word. Background noise, such as the sound of a radio, television or a noisy bar can make it difficult to impossible to understand speech, since spoken words may sound distorted either into irrelevant words or words that don't exist, depending on the severity of the auditory processing disorder. Using a telephone can be problematic for someone with auditory processing disorder, in comparison with someone with normal auditory processing, due to low quality audio, poor signal, intermittent sounds and the chopping of words.[8] 
Many who have auditory processing disorder subconsciously develop visual coping strategies, such as lip reading, reading body language, and eye contact, to compensate for their auditory deficit, and these coping strategies are not available when using a telephone.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

As the coin turns.....

Asking anyone to repeat themselves is tantamount to entering a mine field. Certain responses and outlook are guaranteed regardless of how polite and genuine the request is made and desired.

The first problem to overcome is timing. In a flow of words anyone speaking is almost certainly unlikely to welcome interruptions. Attempting to ask for clarification in this scenario will probably be met with some annoyance and feelings of disrespect will come into effect. i.e: the speaker will feel you're disrespectful by asking before they've completed their comment.

However, attempting to guide someone to a specific area of their lengthy commentary whilst having no real idea of what was said at that point is difficult. Someone with APD may well switch off at that point (attempting to replay what they didn't understand the first time) and missing the rest of the comment entirely.

There are several ways of clarifying comments that will or maybe employed by those with APD simply because they're in general use and mask the problem.

Asking directly, a simple, "What?"

This can be asked in a variety of ways; using tone to cajole, brevity to engage, laughter to assist. Additions are often made depending on the situation, sugar coating to elicit the best possible response and take ownership of the problem -  "Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said...?"

Paraphrasing avoids direct argument and deflates potential aggressive stances, so does prompting similar i.e:  "So what you're saying is........ ?"

Lip reading, body language, language parameters, word context, sign language, probability, logical choices all come into use by those with APD along with any background noise, conversation and interest.

APD (sounds like.....)

When you're used to replaying sounds in your head to isolate words, or guess what the garbled string of sounds may have included in word terms - utilising context, syntax, cadence and probability - you can also find external sounds, that are none verbal, overlapping or intruding with sounds like (or suggestive of) verbal expressions.

Word associations play an integral part and personal reminders can often deflect, isolate, and/or indicate specific, key words or retrospective associations. With APD you have to choose carefully or ask for confirmation in order to be certain that you're accurate guessing or isolating sounds and retaining the integrity of the comment.

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Normality is a wide line that encompasses a lack of
Originality, the depth of feeling or creative impulse involved in those 'not'
Reality is a place that encapsulates a whole host of banality
Mindlessly pursuing what's requested or behested by those leading
Auditory processing, if considered different, is a marker
Lowly diagnoses beholds new roses

If we disregard potential through ignorance and apply stigma as a consequence
Still there's alternatives......

Bi-polar, these people exhibit extremes
Often sad or euphoric, thus proving their instability (according to doctrines
Regurgitated in accordance with prevailing medical paradigm, or labelling) per se
It's true to say if you're different today there must be something awry
Notably the capacity to experience and appreciate normality
Gaining reputations for being more in touch with their dreams without commodity

Credibility is a tissue when you're utilising something more fruitful
Only those with issue preclude while the visual can apply similar preview
My concern; those who lack imagination also lack understanding and appreciation
Making fools of folk with greater ability of review
Often those whose feelings extend to over excitabilities encounter
Negative responses from those who tend to reach within the norm
Platitudes extend from the clinically professioned
Like never ending echoes they link with the past and discourage new views
All fad like their perceptions are limiting to those fashioned by predecessors
Clearly they don't understand what trauma and crisis portend
Except to lineate

And square pegs don't hold in the subsequent fold
N'er to express by anger or distress without falling into a report trap
Dangerous or risk is the consequent list ticked

Laughter or glee are also assessed for appropriate need
All and every mood displayed weighed by the limiting few who
Control and behold by position and rank in society, to be frank
Knowing only what they've been told and subsequently hold to be true
In the safety net of obscure medical jargonery
Normal to you isn't normal to me, so you see
Gaining repute by creative pursuit may be planned for me

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Spectrums of APD...figuratively...

Over or under the line that's undefined but
Whatever it is it's not normally found

Which means that there's greater undulation
However there's permutation
At a higher or lower echeleon
That's a place where nothing normal exists except by relation

You maybe euphoric, depressive and alcoholic
Or creatively bent, suggestively rent and symbolic
Under various guises or hidden by the shambolic

Reaping little sleep while impulse claims prior orientation
Each heap persuades another artistic gaze
At every leap of imagination
Projection unconsciously betrays

? Question

'E' motions...

Standing up to respond
As I feel I no longer belong
"You're not being blonde....

While the epitome, you example strategically.
How flippant you are prepared to be with me
And though claiming ignorance
That's a poor excuse for discourteous audience.

You adopt a thin veneer of nonchalant indifference
Over the years acquired, as a disguise,
Under literary guided diffidence

My response is in relation
Every prior comment made for elaboration
All now swept aside and clearly declared
No interest in the answers sought, so I quit your negation

My opportunity lost to extrapolation
Each overridden and now forbidden
As you casually trace your inner space
Not considering a word I relate

What upsets us
Happens to be how you ousted, treating
All attempt I had made by your careless interruption
The disgruntle is by nature consequential

You asked, "What are your thoughts..."
Over speaking while I tried to describe
Understanding that your interests actually lie in hearing yourself, not I

So although my thoughts were considerate in reply
All I'm saying now summarily
You weren't listening and you insulted me