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Thursday, 3 March 2011

The Long, Tall and the Short of ......


When I began this painting,

                                                                   the canvas was blank, I had no idea what I was beginning.....

 I picked up paint and palette, introduced a couple of shades that seemed to suggest themselves to me....

I used bold strokes with a medium brush, changing the direction and introducing colour and depth with each application.

For a while I was pleased with it, but it kept drawing my attention and while I looked at it I'd imagine something else.

Eventually I put the canvas back on my easel and started to paint what was on my mind whenever I looked at it.

At the time I was researching - etymology of ancient stories, considering population movement and the obvious correlation with language development and skill.

I was also thinking about where I might keep it, which room in my house etc....

I introduced a background of forestry, I love autumnal woodlands

Next I decided I wanted it to be divided into a few sections, and scarred the centre, which the bough bridges

I wanted to see if I could bend rules and apply them

 Of course the subjects that fascinate me have also intrigued artists before me....

Dali wasn't the first to make us consider subconscious inclusion and/or suggestion (by inference/direction)

Lawyers may have

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Decimalisation (-: UK 1970s

A classroom, adults dressed as children.... listening as a change is explained,... like this:

".... and dismissed".

"Er, hang on... may I just....."


"Did you just say that, the rules are.... that I can't win and tough... or....or......or words to that effect?"



"Oh ... right, I thought you did and may I add.... that it worries me how often I wonder what would Freud make of that"

<co incidence>

In England..

.... there are, what we call, 'Core' subjects. These generally come under specific area content titles,

what I mean is:-

Primary                               Speech                        Information          Potential                Demonstration

Physical Education               Maths/English              Science                Theory                 Examination

They're the 'common-sense' terms for these areas of education, if we consider the inherent or implicit, we might call these same areas of education by the following labels:

Agility/Coordination            Language                     Knowledge             Evaluation            Conclusion

So, a choice has been in effect and continues to be by definition terms and demonstrates collective subliminal activity within a conscious realm or parallel state. There is a constant exchange for collaboration and reassuring confirmation. Changes are by agreement on the basis that those 'proposed' will run the gamut of social debate and, by measure, succeed... or highlight.

Each language, by merit, describes the users of it and serves as an example and filter. We may be aware of it and establish means to eliminate bias via trigger or key words (social outcasts subject to previous agreement) - However, those words have also been coded in as THE factor by virtue. Subliminal distress signals are unavoidable, but parameters have been established, agreed and consequences. This is all rapid reflexes and adjustment in motor skills in response to primary exchange.

Limited time set, pressure = reaction, which leads to probability.


Past, Present, Future = Tense



We all do this, what makes us different (probably) is our ability to recognise it, subjectively assess, and identify the benefits.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


As Himself:.... Oh, you Noticed that?!

Gabby: Yes, although only recently

As Himself: Thinking about me?

Gabby: Yes, well... you were the most obvious choice, so... naturally, I immediately dismissed you - that was the first 'give' if you like.

As Himself: No, now..... when you say 'give' how do you mean?

Gabby: Um, well.... this is all intrinsic.......


As Himself: Oh, I see......., I see... so each scene will appear as an interview, that kind of thing?

Gabby: Essentially, yes... but.....

As Himself: ... like a collage?

Gabby: Yes... ?

As Himself: It's okay.... a kind of picture?

Gabby: Yes, or a flower - like a letter - it should unfold.

Excuse me if I wax lyrical sometimes, it's a bad habit of mine...<muses>

Gabby: It's kind of like..... <gleeful> What's the best way to describe this <focus>

A definition of the subliminal in conscious state.... yet minimalist

As Himself: What made you think of me?

Gabby: The way that you express yourself, the way I do. I just kept seeing images of you or you just kept popping up... a bit like sylvester & tweetie. There were so many other things too. For example:

I was doing some research, background of written expression, and paralinguistics of all things... Found myself reading that you like type writers. Being an artist, I had considered how I might paint something especially for you.. an antique typewriter or something ethereal seemed ideal.

Ever wondered why you've got a detailed explanation for something you want to do?