Creative Genius 'At Work'-
Depth Psychology Meets Digital Faction/Art, or... to put it another way, 2D or Not 2 D?... Sorry, what was the question?. Dissertation - does that mean Prof of the Pudding?
Or another...
Do you know what I know or am I the only one who knows what I know I know?
Perhaps it's locality - but it seems to be a completely different attitude lately. Now, I find, loyalty is increasingly questioned.
I've noticed surly, shoddy and questionable responses. Obviously I could put that down to someone having a 'bad day' - If it were just the one occasion and only involved one person. Sadly, neither of these possible explanations apply.
Maybe it is me.
I might not try hard enough...
It is also possible that I don't, in some way, initiate appropriately.
That I somehow miss-engage. I consider my faults.
I know I have tried various approaches:- polite, friendly, complimentary, and yet still found notably dour, unhelpful, or dismissive reactions.
My expectations maybe unrealistic.
Perhaps these are all indications of changes, time and effect, particularly with my self & perceptions.
Though, it's not all bad.
Responses could be, often - courteous, kind, friendly, even helpful.
Any smile, encouragement and/or kindness demonstrates it's importance and how each and everylittlehelps to provide happier, and mutually appreciative experiences.
I try to keep all good instances in mind whenever I question disappointment.
Any rapport between humans is largely due to a range of unconsciously exchanged information. Understanding is frequently aided - or complicated - by developed (and strategic) masking techniques.
This could be as simple as someone apparently stroking their hair out of their eyes:- potentially indicating (dis)interest and/or relief. Either of which interpretations could also be consciously denied.
Though there's been huge changes throughout human history, very little has beneficially affected the terms, roles or expectations in regards to women. They are (as a group) still largelyundervalued, denigrated, berated, andunderminedwithin society.
During the 60s (and my childhood) it was very unusual for anyone'sMumto not be at home.
Now in the 21st Century, with equal rights (blah, blah) that's completely changed - with the majority of women under ever increasing social and economic pressure to achieve not only status associated careers, (which attract high incomes) but continue to remain earners - regardless of whether or not they have a family.
The greater responsibility for childcare, household, food provision et aliae firmly continues to remains with Mum. Yet, however many 'family friendly' policies maybe available through the workplace, there is still a weight of pressure to avoid taking time off work in order to address family needs with acknowledged disadvantages as a result of 'taking advantage of' these same policies. Co-workers add to the problem by associated guilt, either by directly contributing to this sense, or inadvertently through resulting workload redistribution.
As women are predominantly, and increasingly, the main component we refer to collectively as 'single parents' within this modern age of additional role expectations, why is it that parenting is made harder by educational institutions, government agencies, (or for ease of list) - Society ?
At first glance, it seems obvious that this is the result of the political/socioeconomic climate. However, when you begin to view it through the eyes of a single mother (like myself) you could (easily) start to take it personally.
I mean, why do we have these social structures and policies, what's the primary purpose?