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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

A Blaze...

Forest (ablaze) Rest

in oils, 20 x 16 inches

Friday, 25 November 2011

Bathed in beauty....

April's Showers
(before & after)

in oils, 20 x 16 inches

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Tilly = Mint....

Or 'T' for short....

'T' in the park

(Tilly's summer picnic)

in oils

33 x 23 inches

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Lights of way....

Masses of people all moving in difficult space

Each negotiating their path, like dust particles breathing, apparently drifting on the myriad currents of labyrinth air,

Some pause for thought - Is there a 'right way'..

(and occasionally say)                     
Where is this leading?

Some group around and listen as a couple exchange differing ideas. Some contribute to the debate or discuss it between them, until one says, "This way!" and some follow - because they believe them or they don't know which other way to go or it's just easier (there's always a reason).

On the way, some decide they've reached their destination, "I like it here!", they may say and then mark out an area and call it their home and give reasons, "I was here first"..... maybe.

Something new is given a boundary and those people in it expect everyone else not to pass through it - evidently that upsets them - unless they're invited and graciously saying nice things (like agreeing).

Somewhere near the edge of the centre of this surging, meandering, fluctuating mass, is a small child who often wanders off, to be alone, mumbling something which sounds a lot like, "... not playing".

Now and then someone joins her and wonders, "Why are you here, why aren't you with everyone else?"

She considers....

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Window Views....

What view do you see at the window

Do you reflect within or without

You cast your eyes in the direction

Have you time for thoughts to meander

Next To Nothing
(Window Views/Winter 'Seen')

In oils

20 x 16 inches

Thursday, 10 November 2011


Elusive, exclusive and guileless illumination....

casting romance in deep mutual reflections

rose warm glows in peripheral visions

Parisienne Promise

in oils

20 x 16 inches

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Positive messaging....

In today's society positive images are more than encouraging, a picture can often assist the impetus to achieve personal goals....

My penultimate son, whilst still working on his scholarly ambitions, has already completed his first novel. Real literary success, I suspect, is finding your book within the hallowed woodlands of a reputable library. It was with this in mind that I produced the following portrait, illustrating his gentlemanly attributes through attire and (I believe) capturing a great deal of his personality by expression.

A Gentleman's Pursuit

in Oils

20 x 16 inches

Sunday, 6 November 2011


one way to capture moments in time,
(because moments pass)
and enjoy for as long as you want
is with a portrait you can treasure..


Portrait of a daughter
In oils
20 x 16 inches

Thursday, 3 November 2011

For the memories.....

Maybe it's age that highlights, or it's just a natural evolving aspect of being, that which separates us from all other creatures on this planet. In various ways we all experience moments and transport them. We also make effort to retain, present, describe and exchange - "This is what it was like when...", "I liked this...", "I remember...", "I needed... this..."

Creativity, whether consciously intended...


Whatever medium we choose serves, in addition, as some symbolic reference

Ideas being connections

Thoughts or words, we speak, repeat, sing, or write

Objects crafted offer expressions.....

Involve human strokes and (maybe) hope in foreword (forward) understanding or appreciation.

Capturing, in some way, that originality, individualism and desire.

Description defining us essentially.


in oils
16 x 20 inches

While painting this I considered Renoir's "Luncheon of the boating party" asking myself, what point is being made, what questions, statements, expressions and how many answers apply? Where could this scene be, what clues describe the location, does anything corroborate, what did the artist know, what were his influences, is anything absent?

In my painting I've included my four children (I have one daughter and three sons), their father and a self portrait. I thought about their futures, their past, what will change and what may last.